How A "No Contact" Motorcycle Accident Works

If a driver suddenly changes lanes, you may need to maneuver your motorcycle suddenly to avoid having an accident. Once you have done this, you might collide with something else, such as a telephone pole, and suffer injuries. You may believe that this is entirely your fault since you didn't collide with the other motorist, but this can often be considered the fault of the other driver. Negligence and "No Contact" [Read More]

Filing A Personal Injury Claim After You Are Hurt In An Accident

The decision to file a personal injury claim against a party that causes you injuries may take some time. When you want to protect your ability to file a claim, it's important to start talking to a personal injury attorney early. There are limitations to how long you can wait to file an official claim, and you want to make sure that you file a claim within those limits. To start, you need to establish your injuries and the reason why you sustained them. [Read More]

Myths About Dealing with Your Car Insurance Company After an Accident

Getting in a car accident is scary, but sadly, trying to deal with your insurance company after a car accident can be even scarier. When your claim is denied, the insurance company insists the accident was your fault, or you simply don't get a response from your agent, it's no wonder you feel distressed. To make matters worse, many people have heard things about car insurance claims that simply are not true. [Read More]

4 Steps You Need To Take After A Car Accident

Car accidents can be frightening, especially if injuries are involved. If you've been in an accident, it's important that you take the right steps immediately following the incident. Making the wrong moves after a car accident can cause serious problems for you. Here are four things you need to do right after a car accident. Call the Police If you've been involved in a car accident, the most important thing you can do at the moment is call the police. [Read More]